Two Years of the Stones Corner Series

Well, everyone, what an experience my writing journey has been so far. I've learned so much and have a strong suspicion there's much more, and it'll never stop - I feel like the new kid on the block!

There have been many highs and lows over the past two years. Highlights include opening that box and seeing Turmoil in print for the first time; then reading the positive and supportive reviews for not just Turmoil, but Darkness and now Light; it feels almost miraculous!

Other exciting moments have been winning an Indie Reader Award for fiction in the US, along with a 5* score and the Writers Digest's fantastic feedback and recommendations. Attending the Dingle Literature Festival in November this year, when talking about my writing and books, was one of my most enjoyable experiences so far. Listening to and meeting other Irish authors was such a learning curve, too - especially after COVID. You cannot beat being in front of an audience and meeting people face to face.

Unfortunately, there have been moments when I've fallen flat; apparently, it's part and parcel of the writing experience! For example, when you get a poor review, the printer who promises to deliver but doesn't, and contentious people. Nevertheless, my husband John has been by my side throughout these moments. Although he has been very poorly in 2022, he has not deterred me from continuing to write, and I couldn't have gone on without him.  

God works in mysterious ways; as part of the Stones Corner storyline, I talk about New York Policemen visiting Derry and eventually starting a project to help children travel to the States for holidays. A true story. Project Children originated in New York in 1975, led by NYPD Bomb Disposal expert Denis Mulcahy and his family. As a result, I have been asked to write a book around his story and the Project Children's story to support the "How to Defuse a Bomb" documentary by Alleycats Productions here in Derry. It's the 50th Anniversary of Project Children in 2025, and we plan to launch the book in commemoration of their fantastic work. It's hard to believe that American families hosted over 23,000+ children! I can't wait to begin, but don't worry, I've already started on Stones Corner: Hope! Unbelievably, I know how it ends, but I have no idea how I'll get there! :)

I'm so looking forward to 2023. I've made fantastic new friends through writing, and I aim to raise awareness of my books as much as possible. Once I finish Hope, I will approach some agents and publishers. Finding an agent/publisher is a long, time-consuming, drawn-out process, and I wanted to finish the series first. As an author, it's challenging to get your work into major bookstores, especially in Ireland or enter awards like An post or Costa, as most will only accept published authors. For any writer, the power of representation can make a world of difference.

Ultimately, I sincerely thank you for buying, reading and reviewing my work. You've made it so worthwhile! 

Thank you to John, you know why, Cassie, my daughter, for her fantastic marketing skills and love. Jenni at Little Acorns Bookstore for her never-ending advice and support. Dingle Literature Festival for inviting me to speak at my very first literature festival. Finally, Orla Kelly, Lyn Curtis, Dr Michael Chambers and Derek Young for your continued trust in me.

So bring on 2023! Have a wonderful New Year, everyone, and keep the faith.


J x

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